Human Asset Assessments,, Psychometric Testing of Staff, KZN, South Africa


What Is a Psychometric Assessment?

Psychometric Assessments are tests, exercises or questionnaires which measure cognitive, behavioural and personality constructs of an individual. They are meant to minimize human bias in human resource decisions, making the process scientific. Individuals can be compared on common criteria and decisions can be made without bias against any particular group.

How Will it Impact Your Business?

Is your business looking to?

  • Improve the recruitment process
  • Improve employee performance
  • Reduce staff turnover
  • Increase employee motivation
  • Improve employee relations
  • Improve team work
  • Improve talent management

It is often said that a business is only as good as its people. The most important factor for organizations is having the right people in the right jobs. CV’s can often be great fiction. So how do you see beyond the suit and the smile to recruit real talent?

“Interviews alone provide 14% chance of finding the right person for the right job. Reference checking can improve this to 26%. When an integrated assessment is used – one that measures behavioural traits, thinking, occupational interests and ‘job-matching’ this improves the success rate to 75%.”

Psychological Bulletin, Prof Mike Smith, University of Manchester

Our assessments assist you to identify and maximize hidden potential for better prospects, growth and individual development.

What characteristics do people need to be successful in your organization? Results of assessments shed light on important attributes like interpersonal effectiveness, leadership qualities, team working abilities, analytical and decision-making abilities – dimensions that are essential for determining the person-job fit and ultimately organizational effectiveness.